SAP-ABAP Function Group

Function Group is a collection of function modules or we can say that it acts like a container in which N no. function modules can be stored. We cannot make a function module without a function group.

T-Code to make a function group: – SE80


Steps to make a Function Group: –

Step 1: – Enter the T-Code SE80 and then press Enter Key.

Step 2: – Choose Function Group from the drop down as show in figure and then press Enter Key.

Step 3: – Click on Yes button.


Step 4: – Write the name of Function Group and Short Text, and then Click on Save Button.

Step 5: – If you have package name which is provided by your organization then enter that package name otherwise click on local object. Here I am saving it as a local object. If you are saving it by providing package name then you also have choose workbench request.


You are all set now.


Dinesh Kumar Bansal

Dinesh Kumar Bansal is an Indian Software Developer, who is working on ASP.Net, MS-SQL, SAP-ABAP technologies from last one year. His Basic Principle of developing software is, “You have to clear about, what do you want to do, how can it be done”. He always says that development can be done with a cool & fresh mind.

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