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SAP ABAP Data Dictionary

In this article we will look into ABAP Data Dictionary. As we all know SQL has two parts:-
DDL (Data Definition Language)
DML (Data Manipulation)

In ABAP INSERT,UPDATE, DELETE, SELECT statements will handle DML and ABAP Data Dictionary handles DDL or Data Definition Language or you can say that ABAP Data Dictionary defines what type of data can be store in database.

 Uses, Benefits and Purpose of ABAP Data Dictionary:

• Data Dictionary is used to create and manage data definitions.
• It describes logical structures of objects that are used in Application Development.
• It supports user defined types like tables, structures and data element.
• It permits central description of all the data used in the system without redundancies.
• It enforces data integrity.

Basic Types in ABAP Dictionary:

Domain: – It defines data type, its length and decimal places.
Data Elements: – defines the short description of Domain for which purpose it will be used in tables.
Table: – Describes the structure of an internal table.
View: – Views are logical views of more than one table. The structure of the view is defined in the ABAP Dictionary.
Structure: – user defined data type.
Lock Objects: – used to provide access to same data by one or more users.
In the next articles we will discuss this one by one.


Dinesh Kumar Bansal

Dinesh Kumar Bansal is an Indian Software Developer, who is working on ASP.Net, MS-SQL, SAP-ABAP technologies from last one year. His Basic Principle of developing software is, “You have to clear about, what do you want to do, how can it be done”. He always says that development can be done with a cool & fresh mind.

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