Program to find the population density of the country in prolog.

In previous article we have seen how to get factorial of a number. In this article, we will see program of how to  calculate population density of a country. It is a simple program and easy to...

Program to calculate the factorial of a number in prolog.

In previous article we have discussed about Prolog and how to make program in Prolog. In the factorial program like take 5 PROGRAM: fact(1,1). fact(N,R):- N1 is N-1, fact(N1,R1), R is R1*N.  ...

Introduction To Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science which deals with such machines or computers that can do the jobs as well as humans like in order to have ability to...


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Python Basic Programming Practice for Beginners.

In our previous articles, we have learned about the basic programming concepts of Python. In this...

Function in Python

A function is very important in any programming language. The function will make your code more...

What is SET in Python

Earlier we learned about the List, today we will learn about the set. In Python, a Set is a...

What is List in Python?

In this article we will see what is list in Python and how do we use Lists in Python. In Python list...

How to use For Loop in Python

In previous articles, we had seen conditional statements, how to use them and some python programs...

What is the Career Scope of Python Developer?

Python developers have a very good careerr scope and future, nowadays python is being used...

Python Programs using if else conditional statements

In the previous article, we have seen how can write if, if-else, and nested if conditional...

How to write If Else statements in Python?

In previous articles, we have seen how to write your first Python program, using Range() function...

What are reserved words in Python

There are some reserved words in Python, you cannot use them as a variable or constant. If it is...